Your comments

I do plan to include a dark keyboard option when I redesign the app for iOS 7.

Please try to enable the "Debug Log" setting in the connection's settings screen. Tap on the blue arrow on the right side of a connection to change its settings. This creates a log file when you try to connect to the server which might help you find out what's wrong.

Password-protected zip files are currently not supported. It's on my todo list though.

They did say this in their answer: "NSOpenPanel does not offer any hooks to open up the iCloud account to navigate any further than one folder deep".

Errm... of course you can create *one level* of folders. The problem is that the open panel doesn't support subfolders. That's a decision Apple made. The underlying technology does in fact support subfolders (you can create subfolders in the Mobile Documents folder in Finder), but that functionality isn't exposed in the open panel.

Yes, this is a limitation of iCloud. While I developed the iCloud functionality, I actually used a support ticked and asked Apple Worldwide Developer Technical Support. Here is their answer:

Mountain Lion treats iCloud as an alternative location outside the file system, and which does not work like the file system we are all used to.  While Dropbox, local servers and flash drives are all shown as a hierarchical structure rooted to the local computer, iCloud and its contents exists in an entirely separate world distinct from the local computer's file system.  iCloud is a store-forward system, not necessarily intended for use as a file system.

So Apple does not consider iCloud to be a navigable, file system hierarchy, rather it is ubiquitous place to put user's documents, and not intended to have a deep folder hierarchy presented to the user.  So the limitation you see in NSOpenPanel is as designed.  NSOpenPanel does not offer any hooks to open up the iCloud account to navigate any further than one folder deep, nor to disable cloud access.  This is precisely why the New Folder button is absent from the save dialog and why the save dialog prevents browsing in the cloud.

Editing a view hierarchy like your website folder containing sub-folder content should be done locally on your machine, then pushed to the cloud.  If you want to in turn later modify anything in those subfolders, move it down from the cloud and edit them locally.
Using your own file system browser to navigate your iCloud account is not a good idea, as you said would confuse your users.

So much to do, so little time :)

It's certainly a feature I'd like to see as well, once the big features like for example regular expression search and multi file search are implemented.

The encoding names actually come from the operating system.

I'm using the Core Foundation function CFStringGetNameOfEncoding:

TextWrangler has the same names for example.

Even Apple's TextEdit uses those encoding names in its preferences.