Your comments

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of iTunes file transfer.

I'd recommend using another option like Dropbox or the WebDAV server to transfer files and folders to Textastic.

Please send me the diagnostic reports, that would be very helpful. You can send it to

These are the relevant points in the App Store review guidelines:

2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected

2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected

You will notice that all apps that support running code - like Kodiak, Codea and PythonMath for example - do not have file download capabilities. So, if I wanted to add the ability to run code in Textastic, I'd have to remove FTP, "Open In", WebDAV, Dropbox and all
other means of sharing files with other apps.

That's a limitation that is imposed by Apple, sorry.

You can see a list of supported languages at

You can also add your own TextMate-compatible syntax definitions:

Textastic offers syntax highlighting for many languages, but it doesn't include compilers or interpreters due to restrictions of iOS.

The preview function can preview static HTML, JavaScript and CSS and uses the same WebKit engine as Safari. It can also preview Markdown.

There is no lite or trial version of the iOS version of Textastic, sorry.

I'm not sure which bar you mean. Can you send me a screenshot?

When Textastic opens a file, it scrolls to the part of the file where the cursor was last time. Maybe this is what you are seeing?

You can go the top of the file by tapping on the status bar once. Tap a second time on the status bar and it will scroll to the end of the file.

You can use the first button ("tab key") in the row of additional keys above the standard keyboard to scroll the begin and end of the file:

You can also do a three finger swipe gesture to scroll to the beginning or end of a line:

Or drag the file icon from Textastic's window title onto the Safari/Chrome/Firefox Dock icon.

I think something different happened here: If you change the syntax definition of a file that is already saved, for example a file with a ".txt" extension, the new newly selected syntax is set as the default for the ".txt" extension instead of "Plain Text".

If you create a new, untitled file, Textastic creates a .txt file. If you earlier set the syntax of a .txt file to "Python", this syntax will be used for it.

To fix this problem, open a .txt file from disk and change the syntax from "Python" to "Plain Text" to restore the default.

The reason for this feature is that for example, for ".h" files, Textastic defaults to the "C" syntax definition. If you change it to "Objective-C" however, it will open all subsequently opened ".h" files with the "Objective-C" syntax.

I hope it makes sense :)