
Extra keys remain displayed with BT keyboard and virtual keyboard is split

Alexander Blach (Developer) 12 years ago in iPad updated 3 years ago 8 1 duplicate

Bug report from a customer: Extra keys remain displayed on iPad (should disappear) when using a bluetooth external keyboard *and* virtual keyboard is split (no problem when virtual keyboard is not split). Thanks!

Duplicates 1
Please keep this "feature", if kept as a separate optino. I need the extra buttons as my iPad keyboard is tiny and does not have all the keys needed for coding, such as curly brackets. With no way of showing the additional keys when using an external keyboard textastic would be useless to me. 
I've changed the behavior so that in the next update, they additional keys are always visible even when an external keyboard is connected. On iOS 7 it is no longer possible to reliably detect if an external keyboard is connected or not. You can hide the additional keys in the settings screen.
Bug.. Using split-keyboard leaves top shortcuts semi transparent, but unusable.. I would love to use split-kb w/ shortcut keys.

I tried searching for for this specific topic & found this thread as the closest.
Unfortunately this is a bug in iOS 8. I have reported it to Apple and hope they'll fix it in an update.

With iPad running  ios 14 and magic keyboard attached the additional keys take up space without any extra use. 

All keys are available on the keyboard.

An options to remove it automatic with a magic keyboard or other input device is present would be usefull.

A solution for now is to use the button in preferences to remove them.


I looked into this: until iOS 14 it was not possible to reliably detect if an external keyboard is connected.

iOS 14 adds a new GCKeyboard API to the Game Controller framework which should let me detect if a keyboard is attached and react whenever it is detached or reattached.

I plan to add settings for this in a future update.