
A setting to disable additional keys clicking sound

Pierre Hans Corcoran 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 0
Even if the keyboard clicking sounds are disabled in general settings, the additional row is still clicking, which is annoying. Clicking virtual keyboards combine all the disadvantages of real keyboards (noisy) without the advantages (touch feedback for finger position).
Textastic 2.1 will honour the system setting for keyboard sounds.
Under review

Auto-indent for python

Mr. Man 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 3
Since python relies on indents for flow control, I feel this should be added in. Also if you could add in a console type thing I believe previews for many more programs could be possible

Bug when using Softtabs and putting in some spaces at beginning of line

Ramon Hackbarth 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
When using Softtabs and putting in some spaces at the beginning of the line (to intend line) after a couple of spaces the actual line jumps back at the end of the line before and removes the last two characters.

New top row keys

Dan Eveland 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Ok, the idea behind these top row keys is just amazing! I don't know if this exists anywhere else or you made it up, but this is so great! That whole tap and slide thing is so easy and is so much faster than switching keyboard modes. Thanks! I wish those were everywhere now, like in iSSH and my VNC app Jump.

can not connect to the FTP

Qianhong Ma 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Hello there, I can not connect to the FTP of our school: coit-servlet01.uncc.edu. (sftp)
After clicking on the connect, it configures for a long time and says transfer error couldn't connect to the server.
Does anyone have any idea about it?

Wrong behaviour/crash when entering accented characters using a hardware keyboard

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 0
The bug only occurs if you connect a hardware keyboard (wireless bluetooth or keyboard dock).

1. Connect keyboard.
2. Write some code.
3. Push ´ and a vowel.
4. Write more code and you'll see that code is written backwards.
5. Push backspace key to delete the code wrote in step 4.
6. Push backspace again, and the app will crash.
This is fixed for the next update.

In the meantime, you can use the virtual on-screen keyboard to enter accented characters (like á or ñ). Sorry for the inconvenience.

Switch between syntax definitions

mario 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
Nice App! It would be really nice to be able to manually switch between syntax definitions though (maybe in the file properties section, where the current definition is shown!?).

Example: I use Matlab scripts very often. An appropriate syntax definition is available, but normally the file extension is .m, which is associated with Objective-C in the Textastic standard definition. It would be much more convenient to just change the syntax definition used instead of renaming the file to .mat.

The same would apply for gpx-files, which use xml-definitions, but are interpreted as plain text…
This is already implemented in 1.1 which should be available any time now.

Here's a list of changes: http://feedback.textasticapp.com/feedback/7962-whats-new-in-textastic-11/

After 'Close file', filename is still highlited in file browser on the left.

iFSControl 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 1
Tap on globe icon or Edit/Done and the highlite is gone.

question mark in filename

Jon Diercks 13 years ago updated by Jon Diercks 12 years ago 3
I have a website that was scraped from a CMS using wget into static files. As a result, almost all of the filenames contain questions marks (e.g. w_page.php?id=123.html). I know, bad form, but it's transitional and I need to leave it this way for now. Texttastic can upload/download these files and edit them, but the preview function does not work because the filename gets truncated at the question mark. Any way to fix this?

P.S. The WYSIWYG editor in the feedback form that I am using to enter this does not work well on iPad ... had to switch to HTML source view.

PHP Fehler

Lukas Weininger 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
Wenn ich einen PHP Code eingebe, wird er nicht in der Vorschau angezeigt! Also alles was zwischen dem Anfang und Ende des PHPs steht, wenn ich danach HTML also einfach so eingebe, zeigt er es an!
Also, die Datei ist als .php gespeichert, aber alles was php ist inclusive dem Anfangs und End Code wird nicht angezeigt.