Two more things...

VILLMER 5 years ago 0

1. Add a “Clear Search” or “Auto Clear Search” option to automatically clear search area when selected
2. Automatically close the keyboard when the “more” icon (3 dots) is pressed


Open in Chrome, etc

VILLMER 5 years ago 0

Provide option to open in other browsers besides Safari.


Debug Terminal creation

Walrus 5 years ago 0

I’m having trouble creating a terminal for a protected account (balabit).  It would be really helpful to be able to get info about the ssh authentication.  Is there any way to add to the logs, something like the equivalent if “ssh -v” or even “ssh -vvv”?

Under review

A LEFT and RIGHT shift button to move the cursor

Tony Heyes 5 years ago updated by dantepicchioni 2 years ago 2

I find it very difficult to drop the curser in the correct place.  Thus I frequently have to delete and retype some of the code.  Could we please have LEFT and RIGHT move buttons to enable the cursor to be repositioned.


iCloud synchronisation problem

ernesto exposito 5 years ago 0

My MacBook is not get synchronised anymore after catalina upgrade. 

I cannot even see the Textstatic folder within my idrive directory. 

Thanks for your help


X server for displaying plots

Souvik Seal 5 years ago 0

Is there any way to set a X server ( to display interactive plots from softwares like R, Python while using them on Linux in some SFTP server) ?



Carey James 6 years ago 0

Can this app code go?


Does Textstatic work with Private key ED25519 Encryption ?

mikec 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 2

Es6 Modules

codeCaveMan 6 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 4

Does testastic support importing and exporting modules between js files? For some reason, the following code doesn’t seem to work https://feedback.textasticapp.com/communities/1-textastic-for-ios#

// file1.js

function sum(num1, num2) { 

     return num1 + num2;


export default sum;

// file2.js

import sum from "./file2.js"; 

console.log(sum(1, 2)); // instead of 3 I get the message “SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'sum'. import call expects      
exactly one argument.”

note: file1 and file2 are in the same folder.

Thanks for your help.
