
Support for SystemVerilog

Hugo Décharnes 10 years ago 0

syntax highlighting for text markup formats

dan mackinlay 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
I'd like syntax highlighting for restructuredtext format in particular. more generally I suspect most folks would like Textile, markdown and possibly some other plaintext markup standards

Use Clang/LLVM for code completion

moonpulse 14 years ago 0
While a C++ compiler may not be allowed in the app store, one could add the code analysis part of clang/llvm for code completion and remote xcode control for compilation. 

A close button

Andrea Moro 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
It seems that this has not been suggested yet.
If a file is "open" in edit mode, it can be downloaded from web dav or even within the same app.

1) create a close button to allow people close the file, so to commit any pending change or whatever is necessary.
To "unlock" the file it looks like the only thing to do is to move to a different file. But it is going to create a loop if you don't have a dummy file in the folder.

2) within the file transfer panel, if someone attempts to delete an opened file, just propose a pop-up that inform the file is opened in editing. Ask what to do
a) close with save
b) close without save

is there a way to hide the line, column UI element in the corner of the text editor?

Kyle Sherman 13 years ago updated by Daniel Pyle 12 years ago 5
I'm finding the small line, column view in the top right corner of the screen to cover the text I'm working with, and I don't need it. Is there a way to hide it?

Create new file and auto link file

Fexxel 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
If all files in one folder are linked to the same folder on the ftp server, then creating a new file should autolink this connection.
Maybe you could implement a toogle in the new file window, that this connection will be established automatically.

Code completion from a keyboard user's angle

Bilaal Emrith 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 14
Hey there, good job. One minor improvement based on the Textastic 4.0 could be implementing the code completion for keyboard users as well. Right now, there's no way of using the keyboard to navigate through the suggestions and accepting them with the return key. else nice work.
Version 4.0.2
Implemented in Textastic 4.0.2:

You can press return to accept the top-most entry.
Use the arrow keys on the external keyboard to select a different entry from the list. Hit return to accept the selected entry.
Use the left or right arrow keys to close the list.

For the on-screen keyboard nothing has changed.


Ivan Seidel 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Be able to for every extenssion type, or language, to create own shortcuts like "

Code completion for different languages

Chris Howard 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 6
Hi Alexander - any chance of adding code completion for different languages. I use HADOOP at work and would like to be able to add PIG, HIVE, JAQL support. I can create the schema templates if there was a way to add them.