
Ability to lock screen

kkelley 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 6
The dynamic zoom is great, but you can't scroll the screen without it flying all over the place. The ability to lock the screen at a specific zoom level is needed.

automatically add the next bullet on enter in markdown

Richard Sugg 13 years ago updated by Austin Drummond 8 years ago 4
I think it would be really helpful when editing (multi)markdown documents to automatically continue bullets. If I'm in a list and hit enter at the end of an item in the list, let Textastic automatically indent to the same level, add the same symbol I'm using for bullets, and put another space. So if I have

    * item 1
    * item 2

and hit enter, I get

    * item 1
    * item 2


Show whitespace

Timm 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago 3
I would love an option to show whitespace, just to obsess about my formatting.

See also...

Delete files with swiping

Stephan Stapel 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
It would be great if files could be deleted using the standard swipe to delete gesture like in the standard Apple apps.

Smb support

Jarrod Oberto 14 years ago 0
Hi, would you consider adding smb support (or other form of network support for win/ Linux )

It's a great app, but without an easy way to access files on my PHP server, it doesn't really matter how great an App is.

Dropbox is great for a single project. I don't have FTP setup. And I don't have a Mac. Network support would be fantastic!

Web Preview Browser independent of file being edited

Daniel Tsou 13 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 years ago 5

Currently the preview button is tied to a file. It would be cool if there was a browser you can view and hide any time from Textastic, regardless of which file you were editing on, it would be showing that same file you loaded onto that browser.

My use case:
I'm currently building an app on AngularJS (The perfect language for Textastic, since there's nothing but Javascript, HTML and CSS). My app works from index.html only, with the javascript files pulling everything else, so when I edit another HTML file, the only way I can test it is to go back to index.html, preview it, then find the file I was editing earlier to make changes.

So if there was an independent browser, I could load it to point to index.html, and regardless which file I was editing, I could pull up the browser that's showing that file and back again immediately.

Thanks for the great work with Textastic by the way! I really really love it! Especially now that I'm working on an AngularJS app!


Ability to close files

kkelley 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 4
The ability to close a file when you have finished with it would be great.

Syntax Highlighting Support for Fletcher Penney's MultiMarkdown

Neil Moore 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 2
I use MultiMarkdown for most of my writing. While there are several apps that support rendering of Markdown, there are none that support MultiMarkdown, and no app that does syntax highlighting for it. I think you would find a big market of non-coding geeks who would buy in for that feature alone.
Textastic 5.1 now uses MultiMarkdown v4 instead of the Discount Markdown library for its integrated Markdown preview.

.mmd files automatically use the MultiMarkdown syntax highlighter, but you can also choose the syntax definition manually from the File Properties popover if you want to use it for other file extension like .md, which uses the Markdown syntax definition by default.

"Failed Initialization" error, SFTP to some hosts

Nathan11g 13 years ago updated by Cheli 5 years ago 13
When connecting to certain hosts via SFTP, I get an error that says "Transfer Error: Failed initialization". For example: dante.u.washington.edu. It does not matter what username or password you use, you get the same error.

I had a similar problem with Panic's Prompt app, which has since been fixed in their app. They found that it was an issue with libssh2. If you are also using libssh2, the following discussion may help: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.ssh.libssh2.devel/5414 .

Version 4.3

Will be fixed in Textastic 4.3.


AsciiDoc markup syntax highlight

Pavel Holoborodko 13 years ago updated by Eric Pierre 7 years ago 6
I've seen few suggestions on text markup highlighting here already. 
But cannot resist to propose AsciiDoc to be considered too. 

It seems to be the most complete, supported and allowing conversion in all possible formats DocBook, etc, etc...