Your comments

What exactly do you need this for? If I would implement it, it would only do search and no replace because replacing does require doing this in code.
The problem with the additional keys is that it's currently tied to the editing control. I'll have to refactor it a bit.

I'll add both to my todo list.
Doch, das geht. Geben Sie in den Verbindungseinstellungen (erreichbar über den blauen Pfeil neben der Verbindung) unter "Pfad" einen Startpfad ein.

Es sollte z.B. funktionieren, wenn Sie "~/../../.." eingeben, um vom Homeverzeichnis drei Ebenen höher zu starten. Was genau hier eingegeben werden muss, hängt vom Server ab. Bei meinem SFTP-Server starte ich z.B. immer im Root-Verzeichnis und muss "~" eingeben, um stattdessen im Homeverzeichnis zu starten.
You can already search for "\n" if you want to find newlines and "\t" if you want to find tabs.

Thanks for the detailed description, I'll consider it.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix it.
Well, this is the same behaviour as when you just create a new file even when you are not in preview mode.

But, I've made it easier to bring up the keyboard in Textastic 3.0.

 This seems to be fixed in iOS 5 beta 7.

This seems to be problem in how Textastic interprets the response of the PROPFIND http request. It should show up as directories, not as 0-byte files.

Which WebDAV server do you use?