Your comments

If you use this website from your iPad, you have to tap once on the vote box and then once again on the arrow on the top of it to cast your vote. If you use it from a computer, you can simple hover over the vote box and click on the up arrow.
I plan to support this in Textastic 3.0.
I'm not sure what you mean. Textastic doesn't convert spaces to tabs automatically.
If it was easy to fix I would implement it correctly. But right now, all the calculations for drawing and cursor positioning etc. in the editor control are based on the assumption that every character has the same width. I would basically have to rewrite the editor to use CoreText for drawing and coordinate calculation if I wanted to support all unicode characters and unicode characteristics. I think this would make everything much slower.

I didn't really expect it would become popular in Japan :)
I improved the Japanese character display in Textastic 2.2 - it uses the same height as the western characters but 68% of the width so it's much more readable. I will submit this update to Apple soon. This is similar in effect to the workaround for TextMate described here:

I just tried the following:

  • Download the source code of
  • Replace the line "<script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>" with your line
  • Preview the file

This worked flawlessly - it definitely loaded the jquery library from Google's servers in the local preview.

Please make sure that you have a working internet connection when you try this. If it can't load the file, there won't be an error message so maybe you just didn't notice that the connection didn't work.

It could also be possible that there is an error in your html page. In this case, you can send it to me and I'll have a look at it.