Your comments

This will be added in the next update.

The Go language grammar uses features of TextMate 2 which seems to support an extended syntax for language grammars. This extension allows to define patterns within captures which was not supported in TextMate 1. Textastic doesn't support this syntax and expected a scope name instead which resulted in a crash.

The crash happens while parsing this line:

    for k, v := range m {

Although Textastic won't fully support the new features, the crash will be fixed in the next version and the Go bundle is usable. It just won't highlight the variable names 100% correctly.

What exactly is displayed in the list when you are switching to a different application? Are you talking about the code completion list?

Nice, thanks for the tip.

While it is not the same, Textastic does support TextExpander touch. Did you have a look at this?

Sorry, I don't have an ETA, but it shouldn't take too long.


Sie können z.B. die Dateien in iCloud verschieben (siehe Dann sind diese automatisch auf allen Geräten synchronisiert. Der Nachteil ist, dass iCloud nur eine Unterordner-Ebene erlaubt.

Als Alternative können Sie die Dateien z.B. in einen Dropbox- oder FTP-Account über den "Globus"-Button hochladen. (siehe bzw.

Thanks for the explanation. I just played around with the settings in Xcode and now I see how it works. 

I'll consider adding support for this in a future update. Let's see if this feature is going to be requested by other users as well.

The next update will have the commands "Copy as Styled Text" and "Copy as Styled HTML".