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You can add the clojure TextMate bundle to add syntax highlighting support for it:

Racket can be found here:

Have a look at the manual to see how this can be done.

For debugging JavaScript code, you can use Firebug Lite with Textastic. It also has a console for logging.
I had to find replacements for all syntax definitions when I completely rewrote the syntax highlighter. It seems like I didn't re-add a definition for clojure. But you can add the following TextMate bundle to add support for it:

Have a look at the manual.
You can add the clojure TextMate bundle to add syntax highlighting support for it:

Have a look at the manual to see how this can be done.
You can add your own syntax definitions using TextMate bundles: See Manual

A quick search didn't bring up results for "TextMate MVC bundle" though, so I guess there isn't a TextMate-compatible syntax definition for this markup language yet. The only way would be to create your own syntax definition based on maybe the standard HTML bundle.
Das sind die normalen Mac-Tastenkombinationen. Unter Mac OS X gibt es dafür die sogenannte Tastaturübersicht, wo man sich das alles ansehen kann. Eine Seite kenne ich leider nicht, ich bin aber sicher, dass es irgendwo eine gibt :)
[ = Alt+5

] = Alt+6

{ = Alt+8

} = Alt+9

Auf dieser Seite stehen wertvolle Tipps von Logitech:

If you have German settings, try Alt-Shift-7 for backslash and Alt-L for the @ character. 

Make sure you have chosen the correct virtual keyboard using the globe symbol before using the hardware keyboard. The mapping of the hardware keys depends on the virtual keyboard layout.
There is a search bar on the top of the symbol list that allows you to filter the list.