Your comments

Weird. What happens when you try to delete the file - do you get an error message? 

Can you rename the file or move it to another folder?
Thanks, I'll consider it.
Die Vorschau verwendet übrigens UIWebView, also die gleiche WebKit-Engine wie Safari auf dem iPad. Sie sollte daher genau das können, was Safari auch kann.
Leider kann ich mit diesem Satz nicht viel anfangen. Was genau funktioniert nicht? Haben Sie eine Beispieldatei bzw. einen Screenshot, der das Problem zeigt?
Hi Catherine,

I just wanted to fix this problem but I can't reproduce it here. What exactly did you use as the file name? Was "Markdown" selected as the syntax definition in the File Information popover? For me, it works with spaces and other special characters in the file name.
Can you tell me how I can reproduce the problem? Which iOS version do you have?

Can you send me the crash reports? See on how to do that.

