Your comments


if you save the file in the iCloud location in Textastic for iPad, it should appear in iCloud Drive -> Textastic on your Mac and automatically sync.

You can then use File -> Open or File -> "Open Quickly…" in Textastic for Mac to open the files in iCloud Drive.


you can use the regex search in Textastic to search for multiple consecutive line breaks.

Enable "Regular Expression" and search for:


This will search for consecutive lines that only contain whitespace.

If you don't want to ignore whitespace, search for:


This was added in Textastic 6.0

Yeah, this was fixed in Textastic 10.

Thank you, those details are very helpful! Maybe I can reproduce it with this information.

Update: I just had the "partial file" upload problem on my iPhone when uploading a file stored in iCloud.

For some reason, the file size shown in the file properties was wrong and didn't update anymore when saving the file.

This sounds suspiciously like the problem you reported.

Unfortunately, I wasn't in a debug session with Xcode connected when this happened, and I couldn't reproduce it when I tried it again later with Xcode connected.

Just to confirm:

  • Are the files you uploaded when the error happened store in iCloud? If not, where were they stored?
  • Was this on iPhone or iPad?
  • How did you upload the file? Through the file transfer screen or from the "..." button?

After all, it might not be related to the FTPS connection at all, but rather be a problem related to reporting the correct file size for files stored in iCloud Drive.

I also get weird formatting bugs where the HTML, CSS, and even PHP is just white and you have to make a change in order for it to fix, but the change usually has to be hitting enter or something, but even that doesn’t always work.

Please take screenshots when this happens! If you know what triggers this, please make a screen recording video and try to reproduce the bug, so I can try to see what might be going on. I don't see such an issue on my devices, so I can only fix it if I have an idea what might be causing it. Maybe you have different code editor settings, maybe it's related to the specific file you are editing, it could be specific to your device model or to the OS version. Without more information I cannot know and cannot fix this.

Ideally, include step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the problem when you report an issue.

I'm glad to hear that it seems to be resolved.

For the record, I'm not ignoring you. After your posts, I've tested FTPS connections and uploads with a server on my home server as well with another one on the internet and didn't have any problems. Textastic uses libcurl for its FTP/SFTP/FTPS connections which is in extremely wide-spread use, so it's not like this is untested software.

If you encounter this problem with partial uploads again, it would be great if you could give me access to the server that shows this problem and tell me exactly which file I need to upload to trigger the error. But we shouldn't do that on a public forum, but via mail.

I'm not aware of a general problem with uploads to FTPS servers. 

What does the debug log say?

What FTPS server are you running?

As a workaround, have you considered switching to SFTP (SSH)?