Your comments

@thomas I am on vacation next week. So I'll answer when I am back at home. :)

Any news about this? This would increase the development a lot to have all words in the document as completion targets. A slim version would the suggestion of symbols only. This would make my life a lot easier to... and it should not be hard right? At least the words in the symbol list already exists.

Any news about that topic ? I mean there are some HTML5 libraries that basically supports git (I mean git support in the browser itself!!). Is that possible to get a clear answer from Alex about the future (rel. to this topic)? 


Yeah would be cool. Specially to debug some things easier. At the moment we have to build tempoary html files to do things like things. REPL would make this a lot easier. ^^

I think no, the desktop version seems to be more important for him. At least no news in terms of the important issues for Textastic iOS. Sad... :(

Thanl you. This should help in situations where you want to grab sources of other js programs as well. :D

Ah ok that's why. Yeah I already downloaded it and tweaked it with some hooks to get the errors and stack traces into the firebug console. Nice tip alex, should be marked in the manual as well. Luckily with this I can develop on CWtactics with my iPad now again. ^^

Thanks finally I can use it! :D

Any chance that textastic can inject the firebug lite option after the html node? I mean this works now but an automatically solution would be cool. Are there license problems or why do we need to download it every time we preview a page ? 

Greets BlackCat

Seems nobody understand the problem... you only can activate Firebug Lite after the website has loaded. Because of that FL is simply unusable because it does not catch the most important stage of the HTML application. :( 

@Blach 3. I found this one, may it helps