Github support
Instead of supporting git directly, implement support for Github (using their APIs). Most of us host our code on Github anyway.
Being able to browse my repositories and read code stored there would help a lot.
Being able to browse my repositories and read code stored there would help a lot.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Not a duplicate. This proposes a solution to overcoming the limitations of the Apple license requirements. Since with iPad apps, everything has to be a single binary, using the Github and perhaps Bitbucket (do they have an API?) APIs, you would be able to perform VCS functions without needing to have a full VCS application built into Textastic.
Hands up for this! If it will be easier and faster to use github API instead of fully-operational git inside, I'd prefer github. In fact, the only abilities needed from git for me at iPad is to commit, change/create branch and push to github, I think. All other stuff is not so important. Because if you are in long-long travel, you may want to commit or (rarely) put something in a separate branch[es] (named 'warning-done-that-on-ipad' :) ) and commit there, and then push when you have Wi-Fi. Issues, [smart] merging are easy-doable on PC/Laptop when you arrive home or to a hotel Internet service :).
I agree - Github support would be extremely nice....
GitHub would be a major (as in seriously major) benefit! All our code goes to GitHub now so it would be invaluable
Supporting github is necessary. Most of the code I access is there.
Is it possible to get Github support now in iOS 10?
Edit: nevermind, just watched this: