Edit files on FTP / Auto backup / JS Console
1. Please can you add to application options for edit (realtime) files on FTP? Now I have to download file, edit file and again upload what take a lot of time...
2. Next function is about AutoBackup. So for example I have in the application file index.js which I am editing very often and I don't want lose it also I don't have time for upload it every time...so basically a select file, set time and application will backup file/folder automatically...
3. Last idea is javascript console in preview/browser. Very simple console where I can see log or where I can enter simple JS command. Also will be good some button/function for add jQuery support to file... ;)
Customer support service by UserEcho
@Blach 3. I found this one, may it helps
That looks really interesting. I'll have a look.
Thanks for your feedback. It's easier for everyone if every topic in the feedback forum is about one thing.
There are already existing topics for your points that you can vote for or comment on:
Edit live files: http://feedback.textasticapp.com/topic/27218-edit-live-files/
JavaScript debug console: http://feedback.textasticapp.com/topic/32860-javascript-debug-console/
I think "AutoBackup" is a new idea though.