Under review

Bugs about opening file

SailFlorve 5 years ago in iPad updated 5 years ago 2

Hello! When I select "open" in Textastic, there's no "select" on the top right, until I installed Working Copy(See attachments). So if not, I cannot choose folders in other apps. But I have Documents by readdle and OneDrive. Why do not show "select" when not installing Working Copy? Is it a bug or pretend to?

Image 317

Image 316


fuzzy search keyboard shortcut

nico 6 years ago in iPad 0

Keyboard shortcut to quickly search for files like in Xcode (Cmd+shift+O) or VSCode (Cmd+P) would be awesome.


Please support *.ino.

lieonkp 6 years ago in iPad updated 6 years ago 0

High light ino code. I know it was C++ but you must change the file type for work with App.

Under review

Material Themes for iOS

Andres Clari 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Would be really nice to have the material themes in the iOS app.

They can be found at:



Double quotes are no longer formatted in a way that can be compiled for C++

karlaf 6 years ago in iPad 0

I've used textastic for years and just recently I can no longer use double quotes and have the code compile when sftp'd to Linux (stray errors result). I am sure there is a setting that I have missed. What is it?

Under review

no php content running offline in safari

horst_doehler 6 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 6 years ago 1

Textastic offers syntax highlighting for many languages including PHP, but it dosen't include compilers or interpreters due to restrictions of iOS.

If you try to preview the php file locally, only the html part will be interpreted by the web view. The PHP part will be ignored.

In order to preview PHP in Textastic, you can upload the file to a test server, open the preview screen, 

and enter the remote url of your test server.

Ah, ok....I understand all that. Is a shame as I was only going to be using this app offline as my iPad doesn't have 3G and I'm not running a web server yet so it's not going to be much use to me at the moment. Although I appreciate this is a good app and well done on the development but is there any chance I can get a refund as it's no use to me?


HDMI full screen output.

DenisCassiano 6 years ago in iPad 0

Hi guys, will be great if i could use hdmi fullHD output of IPad to coding in big screen or external monitor. This is possible?

Under review

Wrong language

sergeypisarev85 7 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

Hello i got wrong language for my iPad... I got German language, but for my iPhone everything is ok. How can i change the language to English on my iPad? Thank you!

Under review

open non-standard files

generalerror 7 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

Textastic won’t open local files it doesn’t recognize i.e.. something.myext

Is there anyway to change that or would it require an update.

Perhaps a way to define custom file extentions.

Under review

Show hex colors in code like Atom pigments

Michael Gasperl 7 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 1

Hi, this would be a so handy feature, would you add it in settings? ☺

See https://atom.io/packages/pigments