
iPad please add an action in the share menu to open a file quickly

iPa 3 years ago in iPad 0

Hello, I like Textastic on my iPad I have just updated it for the code editor 9 !

Please, could you think to add an action in the share context menu on iPad  (like QuickEdit for Kodex editor app)

Thank you

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Requested Feature:Ability to 'pin' labels or functions in the functions 'list' and have them listed at the top to make it easier to jump back and forth in your code, and a 'trace' capability so you can follow the course of the code to make troubleshootin

Doug Dyer 4 years ago in iPad 0

Requested Feature:Ability to 'pin' labels or functions in the functions 'list' and have them listed at the top to make it easier to jump back and forth in your code, and a 'trace' capability so you can follow the course of the code to make troubleshootinG easier. Thanks for a great app! Brcause of Textastic you can code on an iPad without having to resort to that old clunky desktop computer!

Under review

I can’t see or edit the last few lines of the file on my iPad Mini

Albo P. Fossa 4 years ago in iPad updated by ROP 4 years ago 5

Running scrupulously updated Textastic, landscape mode, iOS 13.4.1. I can’t see, much less edit, the last few (say, five) lines of a file: they are hidden behind the keyboard. At best, I may sometimes proceed to portrait mode (and if needed pinch to shrink the display) to acquire the needed result. Not satisfactory!


Support for .sublime-theme and .sublime-color-scheme

trevor 4 years ago in iPad 0

Although Textastic supports old style Sublime editor themes, it seems to lack support for the newer .sublime-theme format. As far as I know, the .sublime-color-scheme is for the rest of the app UI beyond the editor and may be fairly specific to Sublime. Still it might contain useful information for addressing my other feature request.


Match UI to theme

trevor 4 years ago in iPad updated 4 years ago 1

It’d be nice if the UI elements that come in blue, dark, or light could match their colors to whatever editor theme the user installs and selects, like Sublime. The editor theme support (eg., TextMate/Sublime themes) for Textastic is good, but I feel limited in which themes I can actually use because of the jarring mismatch between the Textastic app UI and many editor themes.  Speaking as an iOS (iPad) user.


Read/Process Included PHP files in Preview

anthony 4 years ago in iPad 0

I would love to have my included PHP files render when I preview a page.  I keep my header, navigation, and footer content in separate pages.  When I am working on a content page, I include these files to make development more modular.  However, when I preview a page with the includes, only the content in the active page renders, not the included content.  Can this functionality be added?  Thanks for an amazing product! :)

Under review

“Select all/unselect all” option to move files (external folder)

pfurbacher 4 years ago in iPad updated 4 years ago 4

As it is now, you can select files and folders by tapping on each one of them individually in the list. Suppose you have 25 files you want to move to a different folder. That’s a lot of tapping.

A “select all”, “unselect all” set of options would make things a lot easier.


While editing—Tabs uploaded/not uploaded indicator

Dwest 4 years ago in iPad 0

While editing files, how about a red dot next to the file name on the tab if the file has changed but has not been uploaded? And a green dot when it has been uploaded ( or is same as version on the server).

Seems like that would be an easy one and very helpful at a glance while working on files while in a distracting environment.

Yes, some of us don't have the luxury of a nice, quiet, undistracted development environment 😉

Under review

Symbol bar overlaps Terminal when using a floating keyboard.

Richard Williams 5 years ago in iPad updated by Daniel Ashbrook 3 years ago 2

When the keyboard is shrunk to its floating mode, the symbols bar moves to the bottom of the screen but now overlaps e.g. the ssh terminal thus hiding the bottom lines of input.

Under review

Hard keyboard Caps Lock key remapped to Control, or general in-app key remapping

luke 5 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

Requesting the ability to remap Caps Lock to Control while in-app. Currently, the iPad OS doesn’t support any sort of key remapping, but there are a few apps in the store that allow for this substitution within their own apps. This is specifically for external iPad keyboards.

Maybe some other developers have key remapping needs similar to this one?  This could be part of a bigger feature.