Your comments

Hmmm for me this would be completely useless. Why?

If you have a computer/server 24 hours online, then I would not use it as middleware to push data to the repositories... I would use it as local repository. The idea ( I think I speak for the most users here ) is to cut the dependency of the laptops/pcs. I want to work on the repository everywhere without having to setup my laptop and leaving it on all the time to work as svn/git slave. 

 BTW.. it is not a bad idea! I don't want to make it bad, but I dont think that the repository requirements of the users in this forum fits with that way.
Nice tip thanks, any tutorial available ? :)

But this idea would be for other languages as well, but it is only an idea for you. Feel free to use it if you want =)

PS: Thanks for Textastic, it is very good and yes, maybe the most use app by me on ipad ( I'm a student ).
Hmm is the vga output only capable to mirror the app content or do you able to show any content you want on the external screen ?

E.g. you could enhance the work space of textastic with an external display. Maybe to show a second file on external display or whatever.. or the html output.