Your comments

Not gonna lie, I agree with you but I'm also not transferring sensitive data this way. 

FTP unencrypted gives me no issues so I'm happy. It also takes seconds to set up. 

I was almost certain I typed what you said in the past so I was confused to see something I would say in my email addressed to me. Yep, you're right. In fact, GPT isn't the only useless integration - updates need to COMPLETE an app, not turn it into something it's not while contributing to the DEMISE of its completion. We don't need to waste time on things that accomplish nothing since they are already accomplished without being added to our app. 

I'm curious regarding more details. For the project I'm actively working on, I just looked and I'm using plain FTP (unencrypted). I just tested on FTPES with this specific project and I can transfer 18.6kb successfully but attempting to transfer a 20.8kb file fails and only transfers a partial file. I could care less how my files are transferred as long as it's accurate, successful, and someone can't interfere with my uploads, but it is odd to me that this error is only more recent, where in older versions of Textastic this issue only came up on occasion and was fixed by an app restart. The partial transfer (failed) uploads seem unbiased to specific file types, only file size. Also, I did this all on my iPad Pro only, but I sometimes do this on my iPad and upload from my iPhone. This issue seemed to be consistent for files downloaded from the server where after edit it would not be uploadable. 

Also, if you overwrite with a file that is going to be a failed upload, it now becomes a 0kb file on the server. 

Sorry, I've used it all and just using the app/website has been the most helpful for me. There are a lot more prominent focuses I'd like to see Textastic accomplish first :)

Not gonna lie though, it would be nice if I could have the iOS keyboard plus numbers at the top, and sometimes characters like we see in your keyboard. I’d gladly pay $8 just for a perfect keyboard. I tried xKeyboard, but it’s really jenky and awful because the keys are all different sizes (and ugly) from the original iOS keyboard.

Considering how limited ChatGPT already is regarding character count, just use ChatGPT’s app or website…. you’ll save yourself a lot more headache than having it integrated into the app for no reason.

I could genuinely see how this is useful. Instead of downloading a file, you make a quick edit and on save it “reuploads”, and the tab can be marked as ‘remote’ so it’s not confused with local files. This would be useful for files you may regularly or occasionally update that you don’t need/want locally. .htaccess would be the #1 file I would use this for. It is annoying to have to download it, close the Transfer window, open it, all to edit it and reupload it. Saving the first two steps of having to download and close the Transfer window could save a lot of time, and now that it’s edited and marked with ‘remote’ I can still immediately access it. Just speculating :D

Now that I think about it, this happens a lot more than I realized… I find myself running into more problems mistakenly updating old/outdated files and accidentally overwriting new files, compared to if I could just edit the file on the server and not worry about the local version until I’m ready to revamp it. This helps more with versioning in my opinion, as an outdated file I don’t want to touch is probably not needed locally or is being planned for a total overhaul later on.

Do you mean like Notepad++ where you can make horizontal AND vertical text selection?

I do like the ‘upload to’ feature though. I suppose this post can be closed now since my other was answered! :D