Your comments

OK, it just failed an upload.... where is the debug log to send you?

I'm going to stop using Textastic until I can get the log to you.

A firewall wouldn't be intermittent. After a couple tries, it finally goes through. Today is seems to be working without issues. May be the connection is better today. I'll send a report as soon as it happens again.

No, I watched it do the downloading, then when they were all displayed on the left side, the app was non-responsive. I then went to HOME. Back into T rght away, the main screen appeared, with no files or connections shown, then crashed.

I will enable debug log and submit more info tomorrow.

Just bought it from app store today.

Today I was using Textastic at Starbucks. When using SFTP the uploading back to the server was failing more than half of the time. The overwrite popup would not appear. Or the file would try to upload and then the uploading popup would go away and you wouldn't know if it uploaded or not. I was getting SSH layer error messages sometimes. 

When I came home and had a better network connection, the uploading worked flawlessly. Maybe there is something wrong about handling network errors, that isn't being caught? Had to attempt multiple tmes to get some files uploaded back to the server.

I have not tried anything other than SFTP, I will test again tomorrow.