Custom syntax definition, compatible with Textmate, but without bundle
I'm using several my own themes and syntax definition files with Sublime editor (all files are compatible with Textmate). Was able to install theme files on Textastic, works well. But not my syntax definition files as they should be a part of bundle.. - any reason to not accept just a syntax file as it?.. - I'm not using Textmate, but need my syntax definitions to work comfortable on iPad too. Any possible fix here? Workaround?..
Thank you!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Textastic uses information in the bundle's info.plist file to determine if it should load the custom bundle instead or in addition to a bundle that ships with the app. When the info.plist of a custom bundle has the same uuid as a bundle that ships with the app, the custom bundle is used instead of the integrated bundle.
If you want to use your syntax file, you therefore need to create a ".tmbundle" directory with a "Syntaxes" directory. There must be an info.plist file in the ".tmbundle" directory.
But why take care about a whole bundle, while it's just a story of a single syntax file for a missed code language for ex. ?.. Why not just allow to add this new syntax file to the existing ones and use it too?..
For ex. you don't need any bundle for a theme, right? just a single file..