
Google drive is greyed out when I try to use it as a local source

Neil Turner 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

I want to use Google drive as a local source but it’s unavailable. Is there a way round this ?

Image 513

Under review

Adding new language definition file

Michael Monto 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

I use Textastic to draft Batari Basic files.  Batari Basic is a coding language written as a high level language that converts to assembly language and finally converts to binary to be run on an Atari 2600.  Is there a way to customize Textastic with a word list of Batari Basic commands?  I've spend about 2 weeks trying to understand the customization instructions for Textastic with Sublime Text 3, .tmbundle packages, and .tmTheme files, but i just don't get it.  Is there a better step-by-step tutorial you know of that can help me?

Thank you!


Tmbundle not loading (racket lisp)

KenMax 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 3

I have a local Textastic folder, which shows the special icons. I have a folder “racket.tmbundle” in that folder, but it appears to be ignored by Textastic. The bundle is from https://github.com/nitaigao/racket-tmbundle, which I assume is Textastic 1, as it is old and makes no mention of Textastic 2. I have also successfully loaded it into the macOS version of Textastic, so the I only have an issue with the iPad version and the bundle. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?


Reorder Tabs

tmslayton 2 years ago in iPad updated 2 months ago 6

It would be great to be able to use the mouse on the iPad Pro to reorder the tabs. I usually have about four + files open and usually I have main files in tab 1 & 2. To get them in the order that I am used to working on them each day I close all of the files and re-open them. It would be nice to just drag and drop the tabs in the order that I like to use them.

Under review

A user-customizable list of favourite folders for creating new files

Gordon Smith 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

I frequently create new files in a few particular folders that are each several levels deep in different branches of the Local Files tree.  It would be convenient if I could put a short list of my favourite folders in the navigation panel on the left side of the screen so that I could jump from one folder to another with a single tap.


Delete Document Type Definitions

Danny 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 3

Is is possible to delete the standard Document Type Definitions?

Best regards,



Text in the address bar in the embedded html browser is not properly visible

Tomas Kantor 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1
  • Text in the address bar in the embedded html browser is not properly visible while dark theme is enabled. Use different address bar background color or black font.

Powerline/Nerd/Meslo Font Support

Wilton 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 1

I am a ohmyzsh user, and I also use the theme powerlevel10k, which requires power line/nerd/meslo font support if I want to use it full-functionally.

Could you support one of these fonts in next updates?

That will be very helpful, thanks


You can add custom fonts. This is explained in the manual at https://www.textasticapp.com/v9/manual/customization/custom_fonts.html

Not a bug

On-screen keyboard covers bottom half of SSH in landscape mode

Gordon Smith 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 5
My Textastic setup:

  Textastic beta version 9.8.6 (299)

  iPad Pro (12.9-inch ) (4th generation)

  iPadOS version 15.4.1.

In SSH sessions, text scrolls past the on-screen keyboard (additional keys row turned off) when the iPad is in landscape orientation.  This obscures the bottom half of my SSH sessions (including the prompt).  Portrait orientation works fine.

If I press the "hide keyboard" key to dismiss the on-screen keyboard, and then tap the screen to bring the keyboard back, scrolling accommodates the keyboard.

The problem occurs when connecting to my Linux computer...

  Xubuntu 20.04 LTS

  bash version 5.0.17(1)-release

...but not to my Mac...

  MacBook Pro 15-inch (2017)

  MacOS version 11.6

  bash version 5.1.16(1)-release


How to switch tab between split view?

lex 2 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 2 years ago 3

Currently, I am using iPad with smart keyboard. I worked with my code in split view one side is CSS and the other side is html file. Is it possible to switch tap between split view using shortcut on my keyboard?

Thank you for such a great app.