Your comments

Hi Tapsi, this sounds like an awesome feature.

But I can not say for sure, as I don't have any idea how to get the snippet to work.

Could you help me and probably others in describing how to get it to work ?

And yes, please post further versions ;-)

Thanks for your post,


Yes, I have closed Textastic, Working Copy and rebooted the device one after the other. The problem still happens.

I also tried to keep open WC while editing in Textastic, but that does not help either.

Does anybody know what this 'External storage provider' msg means  ?

What else could I try, apart of hoping for a magic fix by Apple ?



Hi, I have just installed yesterdays iOS11 Beta 4 and suddenly the 'Pick' button appears, so I can add repos from WorkingCopy. 

Somehow Textastic can not find previous WorkingCopy projects and it says Could not open External Folder'. 

But I can choose 'Remove Folder' in the dialog and then re-add the project from WorkingCopy.

So for now, this problem is gone.