
How to use the spellcheck?

Marc Wiedermann 10 years ago updated by Dan Hamm 10 years ago 2
I am currently working on several .tex Documents. However, I can not get the Spellchecker to work. Under Edit -> Format -> Spelling and grammar I can only click "Show spelling and grammar", but no mistakes are highlighted. Also, all other options are greyed out. Am I missing something?


The code editor itself doesn't currently have spellcheck support, sorry. The "Spelling and Grammar" menu is for text fields like the Find and Replace text fields.
The code editor itself doesn't currently have spellcheck support, sorry. The "Spelling and Grammar" menu is for text fields like the Find and Replace text fields.
Why on earth would the code editor not have spellcheck support?? I don't mean to sound harsh, but THAT is the area where it is most needed!