Native SASS / SCSS Support
SASS / SCSS are a mission-critical part of all my agency's projects, and many, many others. Currently, we use PHPStorm as our main web development IDE (which has native SCSS support) and Sublime as our "quick editor" (requires a plugin for SCSS support).
Aside from the usual web technologies (PHP, JS, CSS, HTML, etc) one thing we would really, really need Textastic to support is SCSS. Currently, Textastic for iOS doesn't have this support (which is a tremendous shame), but will you be including support the OSX version?
As far as I know, no other "basic editors" have native, built-in, out-of-the-box SCSS support. Include this, and I'm sold.

For anyone looking for SASS support, Alexander (the developer) responded to a question I posted on Facebook. Not only is SASS support planned, but it's possible to add support immediately following these directions..
"I'm going to add support for it in an update. For now, you can install a TextMate bundle like this one: https://github.com/alexsancho/SASS.tmbundle - it's explained in the manual:http://www.textasticapp.com/mac/manual/lessons/How_can_I_add_my_own_syntax_definitions__themes_and_templates.html"

SASS / SCSS syntax highlighting will be in v1.1.
Customer support service by UserEcho
SASS / SCSS syntax highlighting will be in v1.1.