
Customizable Colors for Syntax Highlighting

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago updated by willjmallard 6 years ago 15
Add some predefined syntax highlighting color themes.

Allow custom colors.
Version 3.0


There will be a whole range of themes available in Textastic 3.0.

Those are the same as in TextMate plus some additional ones like Railscasts, Monokai and Solarized themes.
I was thinking better color differentiation at first (eg. there are currently two color blues next to each other), but this sounds even better.
Support for vim colorschemes would be great. See http://vimcolorschemetest.googlecode.com/svn/html/index-c.html for lots of samples. The tango and wombat variants are my favorite.
I would prefer to have access to the underlying synthax highlighting definition files in order to make changes on my own. This works very well in 'Ultraedit' (www.ultraedit.com), a very popular editor in the Windows/Linux world, which allows me to extend the list of languages with my own or new languages or keywords. Changing colours is just a subset of this feature. Thanks for your consideration!
We could colour them using css like expresso.
Very important feature for me, but if at first only the ability of changing the background color is provided, this would be 'awesome'.
i love that app!!! but this would really be awesome!!!!
Honestly, just being able to switch to a preset "dark" color scheme would be an amazing start. Something like http://joebergantine.com/werkstatt/seestyle possibly?
To be able to import color scheme from Aquamacs Emacs will make life easier. :)
If you add this, it might be good to add customizing which syntax highlighting is mapped to which file extension
When will Textastic support custom theme?
I'm working on it right now.

a Railscasts Theme would be nice. I like the colors and the dark Background is much more comfortable for me :)

This is included in Textastic 3.0 :)
There will be a whole range of themes available in Textastic 3.0.

Those are the same as in TextMate plus some additional ones like Railscasts, Monokai and Solarized themes.

Please could you add the XCODE colour schemes to your themes? I’d love for the app to match my workflow in XCODE