
Textmate bundle or Sublime Text package in Textastic

Peter Anderson 6 months ago in iPad updated 6 months ago 2

Hi! I would like to add extra Markdown support to Textastic. I should add that I'm using Textastic on my iPad not my Mac.

I have added the Markdown Textmate bundle and Sublime Text package to my #Textastic folder but can't see how to use either after that.

I guess I was expecting to see a Markdown menu or something. But I see nothing.

Has anyone had any experience with these addons?

I'm also interested. I'd love to have p5 auto-completions but can't figure out how to do it.


I have had a response from Alexander and it seems these add-ons don't work with the iOS version of Textastic.

I need a text editor for writing Markdown documents. I use BBEdit on my Mac and it has a really good snippets function. I've been trying to find something like this that could work with Textastic on my iPad. Looks like that's not going to be possible.

