
Sublime theme import

dillon zac 9 months ago in iPhone updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 9 months ago 1

Hello! I'm excited to use Textastic on my iPhone 13.

I'm trying to import the gruvbox Sublime theme (https://github.com/Briles/gruvbox — specifically the "Dark Hard" color scheme), but nothing I've tried has made it appear in the Code Editor customization list, and I've tried many things, including unzipping the .zip into #Textastic, moving various pieces of said folder into and out of a "Templates" folder, renaming them with the folder and/or files with ".tmTheme" and ".tmbundle" extensions, etc…

The Textastic manual page on adding themes apparently isn't detailed enough for a newbie like me. Please, what exactly do I need to do to make this work?

Thank you!


Hello, Mr. Blach!

Thank you for your quick reply! Somehow it wound up in my spam, I'm glad I found it.

What confused me was that a Sublime syntax highlight file worked, so I assumed any Sublime 3 syntax/theme files would work.

I wound up finding a .tmLanguage syntax highlighter for my use (ChoiceScript), and got ChatGPT to convert the color scheme file into a compatible .tmTheme file. It took many iterations, because ChatGPT is a bit loopy, and there are still colors that don't show up, but it gave me a good leg up.

But what'll help take me the rest of the way is this awesome online editor you provided! Thank you so much! This is amazing.

I'm otherwise a fan of Textastic, and very much appreciate having a way to write my interactive fiction on the go.

Thank you again for your app and your help!


Satisfaction mark by dillon zac 9 months ago

Hello, Textastic only supports ".tmTheme" files. ".sublime-color-scheme" files are a completely different file format that is not currently supported.

I'll consider adding support for .sublime-color-scheme" files in a future update.

You can find an online editor for .tmTheme files at https://tmtheme-editor.glitch.me/ 

It has a huge gallery of themes you can download and also includes a "Gruvbox" theme (but not Gruvbox Dark Hard).