
Textastic freezes and then crashes when opening html files

Нездешний 10 months ago in iPhone updated 10 months ago 13

Textastic freezes and then crashes when opening html files. Latest Textastic beta. iOS 17.1 beta

Under review


it works fine on my devices, so can you please answer some questions?

  • How exactly are you opening the HTML file? Where is the file stored? 
  • Which theme are you using?
  • Can you send me the file that causes the crash? 


I can see your crash in App Store Connect / TestFlight. In fact, I see several from you also from past TestFlight versions. Unfortunately, there seems to be no crash details attached.

Do you have any customizations in the "Local Files/#Textastic" folder?

Can you send me a screen recording of the hang and crash? Maybe it helps me reproduce the issue.

Yes its related with my custom html syntax highliting

Unfortunatly Textastic not supported Subline Text syntax definitions V2

So, is this a new bug or did this happen before the latest beta, too?

Only on latest Textastic beta

Can you please send me your custom HTML syntax highlighting as a .zip file so I can try to reproduce the issue?


Thanks a lot for sending me your syntax definition. 

I could reproduce and fix the problem. It was an issue with "embed" operations.

This should be fixed in the new beta I just released.

Alexander have you tried opening syntax_test_html.html from my archive?

I had not, but I just opened it right now. 

Is there a problem with it? It does not hang for me anymore with the latest beta.

Hang for me, maybe it related with my custom CSS/JS syntax definitions. I'll let you know later.

Yes, the problem was in my custom JS syntax definition, a long time ago I added highlighting for nested HTML in JavaScript template literals and apparently broke something…

1. Textastic builtin JS syntax

Image 533

2. My custom JS syntax

Image 534
