Under review

How to recover deleted files?

steve knoblock 6 years ago in iPhone updated 5 years ago 19

I accidentally deleted a folder. How can I recover the folder? I thought everyone was backed up on iCloud?

Under review

If your files are stored in the "iCloud" location in Textastic, you can recover them on iCloud.com: 

  • login with your Apple ID on icloud.com
  • go to Settings on icloud.com
  • go to Recover Files in the Advanced section
  • there you can select the files you want to restore

Files in "Local Files" can only be restored if you restore a complete iPhone backup.

The first thing I did was look on icloud.com and there's nothing in Recover Files.

The folder was within the Textastic/iCloud/Notes folder and not in Local Files.

I thought because I had iCloudDrive that I would have time to recover any deleted files.

Maybe the folder was not uploaded to iCloud yet. Otherwise they should be there on icloud.com.

It’s not there. Today I opened Textastic and another folder is missing. I did not delete it, would not have deleted it, the content was very important.

It’s not on iCloud, not on the Files app either.

Are you on iOS 13 by any chance?

Ok, then I don't know what's going on, sorry. I'm not aware of any data loss issues in Textastic.

The Textastic folder does not show up in iCloud Drive on the web, but it does show up in the files app.

Ok, that indicates that iCloud sync does not work properly and files do not get uploaded. I’d first try a reboot of the device. 

The folders have been visible within Textastic for months, perhaps a year, definitely visible in the Windows File Explorer under iCloud Drive, which I have installed on my Windows 10 laptop and I am fairly certain I've seen them in the Files app. Everything was fine until the previous time when after deleting a folder from within Textastic, the first folder vanished, from Windows, from Textastic and from the files App. The second one I noticed was gone today and I don't recall deleting anything., except I did create and delete a test directory. I hardly ever delete anything from my Textastic files.

I called Apple support. The tech said several things. He claimed the app files would not show up in iCloud, backup or restore files, he seemed unsure (he thought that was normal). I said the Textastic app folder shows up in the iOS Files app. He then went on to saying I should restore my iPhone (from the cloud) to get the files in sync. And he suggested the files may never have uploaded to iCloud, but that seens unlikely. I can see all the others. I don't see them in the recently deleted.

I just noticed in System Settings I have TWO Textastic entries.


I'm concerned about doing a complete delete and restore from the backup on iCloud when I can see the files I want are not there, not in recently deleted, and the last backup was yesterday. I'm not sure what I might lose doing this from other apps or places on the phone, like non-iTunes music.

I don't know how this happened but I have two instances of Textastic installed: 5.3.1 and 8.0.1

Textastic 6 was released as a new app, so you likely never deleted the old Textastic 5.3.1 version. You can safely delete Textastic 5.3.1 (the old icon has a bottom "shadow" while the icon of the new app doesn't).


I deleted 5.3.1 thanks.

Can you confirm that I should be seeing the Textastic folder and files in iCloudDrive?

Yes, if iCloud is visible in Textastic, then there should be a Textastic folder in iCloud Drive.

I created a test folder in Textastic, confirmed that it was visible in the Files app, then deleted it using Files, it showed up in Recently Deleted in the Files app, I was able recover it from the Files app, go back to Textastic and the folder was back.

I then created a test folder in Textastic and deleted it from there, and looked in the Files app, and it never showed up in Recently Deleted.

Textastic does not currently save files in "Recently Deleted" in the Files app - I'm not sure if this is actually possible.

But, if the file was uploaded to iCloud before it was deleted on the device, it should be recoverable on the icloud.com website.

That’s what I meant. The folders I lost were around for months. They should be in recently deleted. I have a support question with Apple about this.