
Color picker not working

fjpoblam 11 years ago in iPad updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 3

My tags are supposed to display in bright blue, and my text in black. At unpredictable times, some of the text is displayed in bright blue, making it indistinguishable from tags. This may — or may not — change when I reload the same file after next system boot. FWIW, we're talking about fully validated HTML files.



This will be fixed in the next update.

Hello, can you please add one or more screenshots to illustrate the problem?

I see. I recently fixed this bug in the current development version of Textastic.

It happens due to a change on how multiple threads are handled in iOS 7. It doesn't happen on iOS 6.

It will be fixed in the next update.


This will be fixed in the next update.