Your comments

I still hope you make this an option :-)

For those of you that don't like the autosave option, you could turn this off just for Textastic with this command in the terminal;

defaults write com.textasticapp.textastic-mac ApplePersistence -bool no

To turn in back on use;

defaults write com.textasticapp.textastic-mac ApplePersistence -bool yes

I've testet this on DP3 of Mavericks, but it should work on Lion/ML. Found it on OSXDaily

I hope you reconsider this. AFAIK Textedit also uses iCloud and autosave, but Textedit does not save the document when the window looses focus (eg you go to another app). I've tried it with the same Transmit setup with both Textedit and Texastic. The way Textastic is working, it's not possible to check my email when I'm editing a file on my server, or answer an IM or facetime call - and that _is_ a bad thing. 

All other modern apps (textmate, SublimeText, TextWrangler etc etc) does not save the file to the server without the user asking it to do so... Basically Texastic is useless the way it is working now - and that is a shame 'cause it's a nice looking piece of software!

Thanks for your answer! And it is not possible to make that a choice for the user? To disable auto save? I'd drop iCloud support to disable auto save - in a heartbeat. 

But thanks anyway :-)

I have the same "issue". Is there a way you can let the users turn off/on that feature? Could the edited file be saved as a temp file, untill the user uses the save command (cmd+s)?  It's a problem when you work with several files and switch between them.

There is no way (that I can find) to stop Transmit to upload the file you're editing.

But I still like the app! 
