
Default Application

Keith Smiley 11 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 2

After installing Textastic it made itself the default application for many code-related file types/extensions. I think this is terrible behavior. This overrides all the default applications that the user has set, possibly different applications set for different extensions. When I install a new application regardless of what it is I _never_ expect it to set itself as the default for any file type (obviously excluding applications that create their own file type). No other text editors on OS X seem to do this nor does the only other similar type of application I can think of, photo editors. I believe this behavior should be removed and allow the user to deal with setting Textastic as the default applications for the extensions they choose.



Will be fixed in v1.1.

Yes, version 1.0 is too aggressive when registering supported file types. I've already changed this and it will be fixed in the next update.

For now, you can use "Get Info" in Finder and choosing a different app as the default app for all files of that type should work, too.

Awesome, great to hear. I use http://www.rubicode.com/Software/RCDefaultApp/ to keep everything set how I want it.


Will be fixed in v1.1.