Under review

Theme and font settings are lost

Alexander V. 10 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 7 years ago 4
Sometimes I start up an empty Textastic and the theme and font settings are set to default. So I need to reconfigure my settings. I was not able to recreate the problem or find out why it happens. :-/
Thanks for the info. I didn't have this problem on my machine yet. Textastic uses the standard Cocoa mechanism (NSUserDefaults) to save its preferences.

The preference file is located at ~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/Preferences/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac.plist

Please let me know if you find a way to reproduce the issue.

I've seen a similar issue where I used a light theme (default? Active4d), and all of a sudden while in the app, I get switched to a dark theme.  Perhaps this is related?

Seems like a key combination, but I can't track it down. Happens a lot.  It happened just now by simply moving the window by clicking the title bar and moving the mouse.  I restarted the app and could not reproduce it. (OS 10.3.1)

Under review

I doubt that it is related.

I have the same problem on High Sierra on my MacBook Pro when I use Cmd-O to show the Open dialog. 

This is a bug in macOS High Sierra. I already reported it to Apple. It is hopefully fixed soon. I can reproduce the same problem in Apple's own TextEdit app. It does not happen on macOS Sierra or earlier.

The problem on High Sierra seems to be fixed in macOS 10.13.2. 

See also this tweet: https://twitter.com/Catfish_Man/status/938489343605276677