Wrong encoding auto-detection

Dalibor Slíva 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2

When I save a PHP document in PSPad (Windows application) with ISO 8859-2 (Central European ISO Latin 2) and then I open it with Textastic 1.1 on Mac, it detect Western (ISO Latin 1), which causes characters mismatch. I must reopen a file with right encoding. Same problem in iOS version. Other editors I try (like TextWrangler), detect it right.

Can you please send me the file you saved with PSPad so I can try to reproduce it? You can add it as an attachment here or send it to support@textasticapp.com - thanks!

Thanks for your response. At THIS LINK you have the zipped file that you requested. It's sample of PHP file saved with PSPad like ISO 8859-2 (Central European ISO Latin 2). Textastic detects it like Western (ISO Latin 1).