Under review
Do you support any settings JSON files for editor behavior, for instance the way Sublime Text does, somewhat like TextMate?
On the Mac, I like to use multiple cursors, not see angry red bands across the screen when I happen to have "invalid" syntax temporarily, and other things. I happen to have three text editors (including an IDE) because I'm picky. I'm hoping Textastic supports the same thing as Sublime Text so I can have the editing experience I want, and easily.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I wonder if you support these because Sublime's system is based on TextMate, maybe closely enough to
work with your existing TextMate-friendly customizations.
So for example, there are [name].sublime-settings, [name].sublime-color-scheme, [name].sublime-keymap, and [name].sublime-mousemap, all of which contain JSON. These may be well known to you even if you don't support them, but example excerpts are found in the attached screenshots.
Currently, these files are not supported in Textastic.
Textastic can read .sublime-syntax, .tmPreferences, and .tmLanguage files from custom syntax definitions.
All code editor settings are available in the UI under Settings -> Code Editor.