
Code folding

Patrick 12 years ago updated by nohairdave 6 years ago 6

Code folding that allows the user to selectively hide and display sections of a currently-edited file as a part of routine edit operations. This allows the user to manage large amounts of text while viewing only those subsections of the text that are specifically relevant at any given time.


Code folding based on brackets and comments is a must even in the most basic code editor


I would really like code folding to be implemented. It would be especially nice if it remembered what pieces were folded when re-opening a file.


Automatic code folding ("focus mode") is also really handy; collapse all possible blocks of code except the one the cursor is currently in.  Track the cursor and automatically unfold/fold as you go (or search, jump to symbol, etc.)

Code folding necessary function! Hope to see "code folding" in a future release ...

Can’t agree more, I go back and forth between liking Textastic or sublime, code folding would tip the scales


This is a must have in my book - I'm currently trying to get off TextWrangler (as its no longer got a clear development roadmap), it has this and other code-aware features that any pro developer just takes for granted (refactoring, function/token locators, alternate file switching, diffs etc).  If Textastic is serious about developers, they need to build some equivalent functionality in, otherwise devs may as well just use notepad :). The benefit of having an OSX+iOS editor is the draw for Textastic.  What concerns me, is that this has been on the forum for 6 years.  Maybe that purchase on the AppStore wasn't well spent :(