Under review

Textastic quit unexpectedly.

curt 5 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 5 years ago 1

I am getting a repeated error:

Textastic quit unexpectedly.

I have been using the app as recently as a couple of hours ago... 

Under review


I'm aware of a crash of the macOS version that happens to some users when restoring the application state on macOS 10.13.6. It does not seem to happen on 10.14 Mojave.

Please try the following to fix the problem:

  • Go to Finder
  • Select Go -> Go to Folder…
  • Enter "~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac/Data/Library/" and press Go
  • Delete the folder "Saved Application State"
  • Try to launch Textastic

If that doesn't help, you can also try to delete the folder "~/Library/Containers/com.textasticapp.textastic-mac" which will remove all preferences, saved application state, custom syntax definitions, themes and templates. It won't delete your documents.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is causing the crash.