
Adds quarantine on save

mxey 12 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 11 years ago 1

When editing an executable .command file (shell scripts that runs in a Terminal window), Textastic for Mac adds the com.apple.quarantine attribute to the file on save. That means I can no longer execute my own script, or even edit with Textastic again, because I get the Gatekeeper error message that it's not signed. Removing the attribute with xattr fixes the issue.



This should be fixed in Textastic 2.0.

I found this in Apple's docs:

Note: If your app needs to create executable files that are typically executed in some way other than through Launch Services (shell scripts, for example), you should also specify the com.apple.security.files.user-selected.executable entitlement.
By default, when writing executable files in sandboxed apps, the files are quarantined. Gatekeeper prevents quarantined executable files and other similar files (shell scripts, web archives, and so on) from opening or executing unless the user explicitly launches them from Finder.
If those executables are tools that are intended to run from the command line, such as shell scripts, this presents a problem. With this flag, the file quarantine system allows the app to write non-quarantined executables so that Gatekeeper does not prevent them from executing.

Currently, Textastic does not specify this entitlement. Since it is a sandboxed app, executable files are quarantined by the Mac OS X sandbox when Textastic saves them.

I will add this entitlement in the next update.


This should be fixed in Textastic 2.0.