Under review

Site wide search and replace

Jack Stratton 14 years ago updated by Guillermo de la Maza 2 months ago 6
Like the "All files in current site" search option in Dreamweaver.
I too, would use site wide find and replace often. If its a possibility, I'd put it at the top of my list for upgrade features. As most of us begin to migrate to html5 standards/guidelines, this is a preferred option to upgrade our div structure to semantic web sectioning nomenclacture.

Yes, this would be so useful and would be top of my list as well.

Under review

Just for your information: The "search" part is already implemented – see https://www.textasticapp.com/v10/manual/managing_files/find_in_files.html

Thanks so much for the update. Yes, I use the search files content feature fairly often. Working on a project now with lots of files that need the same changes made. I resorted to BBEdit on my Mac this morning... and with this many files it's so much easier to have the replace option as well. Thanks again for the consideration and the app. My most used app!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll consider adding a replace option in the future. I'm glad you're enjoying the app!

I would also love to have this functionality. Right now, am having to resort back to Coda on my laptop to edit full-scale sites.