Can my wishes come through?
I am a new user of Textastic and I am glad that it supports Ada. I love the app so far and I load my Ada codes on my iPad now I can read and/or write Ada codes wherever I go.
But I have some wishes and I hope the Textastic developer(s) can realize them.
1.) I wish that Textastic will allow user to customize background and font color. I have been working on black background with amber font color for many many years. I especially like keywords to be Red. This setting soothe my eyes (after many surgeries) very well.
2. I love block cursor. It is more visible to my traumatized eyes.
3. I wish that Textastic will support Mercurial (and others like SVN etc.) repository check in/out. This will save the troubles transferring files to and from the Mac to check in/out to/from repository.
Thanks in advance for realizing my Textastic wishes. Please continue the good work.

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago
1) I plan to support custom colors when the new syntax highlighter is finished for Textastic 3.0. You can also discuss and vote for this feature at http://feedback.textasticapp.com/feedback/7475-customizable-colors-for-syntax-highlighting/
2) Can you post a screenshot that shows the block cursor how you want to see it? Maybe with the syntax colouring scheme you prefer?
3) Version control support is discussed at http://feedback.textasticapp.com/feedback/7628-support-for-version-control-systems-svn-git-etc/
Thanks for your feedback,

Adrian Hoe 14 years ago

Hi Alex,
Here is the screenshot of my favorite color scheme (partly).

Adrian Hoe 14 years ago

Hi Alex,
Here is the screenshot of Terminal.app. I don't know why Apple support block cursor in its Terminal.app but not Xcode. I really love (blinking) block cursor. It is easier to spot! :)

Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago
Thanks, I'll consider adding this to Textastic.
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