Custom syntax definition files
would be really great if it would be possible to create custom syntax database for use in special scripts. Example:
I create a new database and under this database I copy/paste or type my functions, expressions, modifiers etc. then I assign them colors and then save the database. Then I load up a script or begin typing and Textastic begins syntax highlighting according to my newly created database.
I create a new database and under this database I copy/paste or type my functions, expressions, modifiers etc. then I assign them colors and then save the database. Then I load up a script or begin typing and Textastic begins syntax highlighting according to my newly created database.

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
You can add your own TextMate-compatible bundles and themes in Textastic 3.0.

This would be a good feature.
I will be using MVC Razor highlighting in the near future, that comes in at least 2 flavors c# and vb.net with maybe more to come after.
If I could define a new syntax definition file and submit that it would save you having to deal with every new language flavor that appears, plus allow some seriously customable color schemes for existing syntax.
I will be using MVC Razor highlighting in the near future, that comes in at least 2 flavors c# and vb.net with maybe more to come after.
If I could define a new syntax definition file and submit that it would save you having to deal with every new language flavor that appears, plus allow some seriously customable color schemes for existing syntax.

Even posting a spec for the syntax files you use would allow the community to provide you with updates for new languages.

This would be great especially if it mirrored how TextMate supports bundles. The burden to implement new syntax coloring would be off you and spread out over the community. Also including layouts for the symbols bar that could match the most common symbols for a language would be nice as well. I haven't used textexpander but if you could include common shortcuts in the bundle as well that would be amazing

I'm also looking forward to this as i'm currently using autoit for scripting and to be ablle to use custom syntax files would make this program a very well worth scripting/program editor for ipad.

Firstly, excellent app for the iPad. Well done.. Makes working on the move very easy.
I also need to handle custom file types. EDIFACT, etc and bespoke customer format files. I use Notepad ++ on a PC and this allows limited functionality in this way. It would be really good to have complete custom syntax highlighting.

You can add your own TextMate-compatible bundles and themes in Textastic 3.0.
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