Under review

if document in the iCloud is altered by another user while it is open in editor, update the text in the editor

Cecil Ward 2 weeks ago updated 2 weeks ago 2

What happens currently? Does the content of the editor update? If the user has made changes - ie the are one or more undo objects - then display a message indicating an edit conflict? Maybe save the current (older) document to an alternate filename if there is a conflict.

Under review

If the same document in iCloud Drive is edited on two devices, those changes should already be synced and the editor should update.

If the document is changed on both devices, the document should be in a conflict state and Textastic should present a conflict resolution dialog. 

Is that not what you are seeing?

Sometimes it can take a while for iCloud Drive to actually sync changes. That's out of my control.

Hi, Alexander, I have never experienced this type of situation. There’s no problem, I just wanted to know. That’s exactly what I want, so many thanks. Is there something that you or I could do to help make the process of conflict resolution easier, that is to help the user to integrate the changes/differences into one of the documents?