
Preview in default browser

Albo P. Fossa 3 years ago in General updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 3 years ago 6

When I select Brave as my default browser and wish to preview an HTML file upon which I’m working, Textastic still offers only “Preview in Safari”. I suppose I can live with that: cosmetic. When I select it, however, this happens. An appropriate call to my default browser (Brave) occurs, but it yields a new blank tab, not the intended preview of a local file. Perhaps this is due to Brave’s over-protective nature. If not, it surely would be nice to be able to acquire a preview in ANY default browser.

This looks like a bug in Brave, since it works when I set Firefox as the default browser.

You are indeed correct, Alexander. I have tried it in *all* other browsers and it works fine in all but Brave! No fault. Brave just doesn’t accept localhost calls!


   P.S. Bravs doesn’t accept either

Thanks, that's good to know.