
Built-in Javascript tmLanguage

Maurice Zoliker 5 years ago in General updated 5 years ago 2

Dear Alexander,

I really need the built-in "JavaScript.tmLanguage" you are using, in order to know the exact scopes names (to use them in my custom tmTheme) and be able to tweak it a bit if needed.

Would it be possible to share it?

Right now I am using the "JavaScriptNext.tmLanguage" but it is quite old and full of little bugs, whereas your built-in tmLanguage seems to be much more stable and recent.

Thanks a lot and keep improving Textastic, it is a pleasure to use it every day.

Kind regards,




To show the scope at the cursor location, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-P (this can be changed in Textastic's settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Code Editor -> Show Scope).

Here is the sublime syntax file used by Textastic:



To show the scope at the cursor location, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-P (this can be changed in Textastic's settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Code Editor -> Show Scope).

Here is the sublime syntax file used by Textastic:



Hi Alexander,

Thanks a lot, it is exactly what I needed!

It works perfectly now :-).

Kind regards,
