iOS underline for misspelled words with Auto-correction
The growing adoption of Textastic brings new opportunities for applications in general writing.
The auto-correction option in Textastic allows the user to use the iOS spelling suggestions above the embedded keyboard, but greater functionality can be leveraged from the iOS spelling checker.
The idea: include the red underlined mark from the iOS spelling checker into the text editor when the auto-correct option is activated (or with an additional setting).
The benefit: Textastic would significantly enhance the functionality for users of plain text, latex files, taskpaper files, among others.
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I’m for this. I’ve written a novel using Textastic on iOS and I have auto-correct (read: auto-dement) turned off as it usually mis-corrects (ie dements) the text I write. It gets harder when you’re writing science fiction and it wants to auto-correct alternate pronouns.
I’d love to have a “Underline Spelling Issues” setting that we can set for certain mark-up languages. Maybe have the setting ask for what formats to activate on. When a word is detected as misspelled, red-dot underline it, and let a tap on the word present suggestions (or give it an option to see the suggestions).