I have been trying to use textastic with less (lesscss.org) and I have been unable to get it to preview the HTML file correctly.
I have an HTML file that includes a .less file and then the JavaScript less compiler. When I preview with textastic, Iit appears that none of the JavaScript has executed.
Are there limits on js execution in the preview?
Are there limits on js execution in the preview?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I doubt this is a textastic bug actually. More than likely a limitation of the uiwebview.
Unfortunately it is a Textastic limitation, since it works just fine with Koder and with iFile webview.
I've put the lesscss.js in the same folder as text.html and style.less. This resulted in blue body text.
I'm using Bootstrap from twitter and it works in Koder, and any webkitview app I've tested, but fails on my favorite editor (Textastic).
Please try it with the Bootstrap files:
Or using the h5bp initializer with bootstrap, for fast checking: https://github.com/verekia/initializr-bootstrap/
I would love to see it working, I can compile it to css on the iPad ( with nodejs and Prompt) but live previewing quick changes is essential.
Textastic uses the custom "preview://" protocol, not "file://". This is needed to work around a caching but in iOS 5.
So if you the change regular expression in this line:
then it works for me in Textastic.
then it does work without modification.
Unfortunately, there is not much I can do about it. This would need to be changed in LESS, so that it doesn't hard-code supported schemas but checks if the path starts with <schema>:/
Thank you again! Sincerely.
Consider it fixed! :)
But, btw and a little off topic, could this custom schema (preview://) be the cause I my unccessful tries at loading firebug lite? Just cossed my mind..
Can't wait! Code completion and firebug integration will streamline the workflow on my side.