
Please add dropbox connectivity, as well as Flex MXML support (can use the same syntax highlighting as HTML)

Dexidus 14 years ago updated by Alexander Blach (Developer) 14 years ago 1
Great product, but it would be nice if I could directly access files in my dropbox (edit/save directly in dropbox, without having to launch dropbox app, browse to file and open in textastic, rather browse dropbox account directly in textastic)

Also, it would be nice if you added native support for Flex 'MXML' files, the syntax can be relatively the same as HTML/xml/as with very minor modifications if any, however direct support for .mxml files would be great.


See comments.
Have a look at http://feedback.textasticapp.com/feedback/7436-dropbox-support/ for a discussion of Dropbox support. Actually, I've already started the implementation (along with FTP support).

As for Flex MXML files, I'll add the extension to the list of XML extensions, as MXML is XML.

In the future, please create separate feedback entries for every issue.

Thanks for your feedback!
See comments.