Markdown definition lists
MultiMarkdown, pandoc, and other markdown processors support definition lists in the style:
: Definition, starting in the fourth column
I would love to hvae this added to textastic. Actually , since my workstation-side processing is in pandoc, I'd be thrilled to have perfect mimicry of pandoc-style markdown: footnotes, tables, DLs, math.
: Definition, starting in the fourth column
I would love to hvae this added to textastic. Actually , since my workstation-side processing is in pandoc, I'd be thrilled to have perfect mimicry of pandoc-style markdown: footnotes, tables, DLs, math.

Alexander Blach (Developer) 13 years ago
I'm considering adding Multimarkdown preview support in the future.

Myako Toudai 13 years ago
Do you try to eliminate all other apps in the App Store ? xD
Would be a really killer feature against other MD Apps, because Textastic is the most usable editor.
Nice... I would like to see it in Textastic :D
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